
Dear TSLR Readers,
I want you to watch Same/Difference, Yujin Lee and Nicola Maloof’s video essay submission to TSLR Issue One. It’s a powerful video essay that shares the perspectives of those who are born into separate national and ethnic identities. The two-channel video splits the narrative, just as “third culture kids” must reconcile multiple narratives about who they are and how the world identifies them. To focus on two videos at the same time is just a symbolic aperitif of that life.

click above to watch Same/Difference on Vimeo

click above to watch Same/Difference on Vimeo

When the video shows two women, one a Korean-born American adoptee, and the other a Korean, both dressed in the same clothes, can you tell who is who? Whether you can tell or not, what’s it to them? Maybe you can take an educated guess based off their dance moves.

Above all else, it’s important that the world hear more firsthand perspectives on this experience. The world needs more nuanced takes, like what’s presented in Same/Difference, rather than simple, reductive perspectives. Please do give this video essay a watch and a think.
TSLR Issue One Nonfiction & Visual Editor